
Trump's Total Ban on Muslims Is Back on His Website

weststpaulbear11/10/2016 1:31:58 pm PST

I’m finding that I’m not on board with all of the DNC bashing going on here. From everything I saw it seemed like GOTV was strong for this election (especially when compared to the zero effort that was coming out of the Trump campaign).

We were up against a party that lied it’s freakin ass off to an audience that’s been fed lies for so long that they can’t even recognize the truth any more. Trump turned them into a frenzied cult, and the media loved the drama while turning it’s back on how rabid it was all becoming. And then the freakin FBI director drops a cherry bomb in the toilet.

Do the democrats have anybody who’s so willing to shamelessly lie an audience into a frothy euphoria? Obama can do that with the truth, and he worked his damnedest to get people to vote. Did Bernie have that charisma? No. Who from the democratic party is going to go out and make a bunch of absolutely unbelievable promises to an audience that is at least smart enough to not love being lied to. Hillary was trying to run a factual, reasonable, determined campaign while bringing in Obama and Michelle to whip up the crowds. It turned out that truth and hope wasn’t as good a motivator as hate and fear this year. Hate sold. The media didn’t give a shit.

I’m as pissed off as anyone that half of all Americans didn’t freakin bother to vote, but I’m not wanting to lay that all on the DNC. Maybe if they would have promised everybody who came out to vote D free rent for a year, they would have been on equal footing with the freakin false promises that R voters are expecting.

I’m rambling and upset. I’ll quit now.