
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Payne, Fricker and Ho

Belafon7/25/2023 6:18:17 pm PDT

So, here in Red Texas, you learn early not to just walk up to people and talk liberal politics, even the people who are the parents of your kids’ friends. Being the more “Yes, I’m a liberal” type, I keep a LGBTQ+ Ally sticker and my Biden-Harris 2020 sticker on the car.

On Saturday, we went to the storage place where I keep all of my Halloween decorations and rented a small space for my son’s stuff from college to get it into a closer and cheaper place than the it’s at now. After renting, we followed the managers to the space to look at it. After I got out of the car, the guy said “I like your sticker.”

“Which one?”

“The Biden-Harris one. I have felt at times like I’m the only liberal out here. It’s good to know there are others.”

And that is why I haven’t taken off my sticker.