
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Toe Monster

Anymouse đŸŒčđŸĄđŸ˜·9/29/2023 1:29:46 am PDT

From the Cleveland Clinic (I’d like to know how they determined this):

There are some other things we know about dĂ©jĂ  vu, though researchers aren’t exactly sure why. For example, you’re more susceptible to dĂ©jĂ  vu if you:

Have a high level of education.
Travel a lot.
Remember your dreams.
Hold liberal beliefs.


Experiencing dĂ©jĂ  vu doesn’t mean you’re having a seizure. In some cases, though, it can be a symptom of temporal lobe epilepsy, a seizure disorder that starts in the temporal lobe area of your brain.


I have left temporal lobe epilepsy, but only experience vujĂ  dĂ© (the feeling I’ve experienced none of this in my life ever). /s

Deja Vu: What It Is and Why It Happens

“Healthy people can experience this, but it can also be a symptom of a neurological issue”

(I’m thinking “can be a symptom of a neurological issue” fits in with “extremely rare”)