
Five Years Since the Madrid Bombings

avanti3/11/2009 9:50:48 am PDT

re: #127 opnion

Obama crawled out of the same Cook County Macine cesspool that lies cheats, steals & occasionaly sends members to prison.
He did not come out of it pristine.
The Machine did not produce & support him, for him to foul things up with ‘Reform”

OK, getting lots of comments about what you think about BHO, but what about the earmark reform idea I asked about that he floated ? We pretty much agree he whimped out on this budget bill, but I’d love your opinions on the idea’s for fixing the earmark issue in the future.
Not all earmarks are bad, but we have to come up with a plan to limit the porky ones. I think it’s one issue the right and left outside of Congress that we could agree needs attention.