
Wingnuts of the Week - By Former Giuliani Speechwriter

Salamantis5/09/2009 11:25:57 am PDT

re: #100 haakondahl

The only thing “Right” about the flamingly leftist Nazi party was that it was somewhat less to the left than the Communists were, who accordingly called the right-wing. Like Democrats calling Joe Lieberman a conservative. The problem is that so much of the left bought that label, that now so has the right.

Oh, no; not again…

I can only repost a post I posted earlier today:

Geez; I have to deal with this self-serving and emotionally driven fascists-can’t-be-right-wing-because-fascists-are-justifiably-despised-and-I-consider-myself-to-be-right-wing canard every damn thread.

Both systems are collectivist, hence totalitarian, but they are radically different types of collectivist totalitarianism. Communism is international, because it rooted in the idea of the dissolution of class distinctions, which are a worldwide phenomenon, while fascism is national, because it rooted in the idea of racial purity and supremacy, and thus is tied to the soil to which the ‘pure tribal blood’ is tied. That is why, although they are both genocidal, fascism tends to concentarate its genocide on particular ‘undesirable’ and ‘inferior’ racial types, like the Gypsies and the Jews, while communism focuses on the unrepentant bourgeoise (see Pol Pot’s wholesale extermination of the educated classes, and Mao’s infamous Great Leap Forward), who tend to dissent and obstruct the implementation of the classless vision. One could argue that in both cases, as small clique of people controls industry, but in fascism, this is a group of well-connected wealthy industrialists, who retain ownership while remaining outside the government, while in communism, these are commissars and apparatchiks, who exercise control only so long as they hold their governmental and party positions. Property ownership is private in fascism, but property is state-owned in communism. And while in fascism their cliquish economic arrangement seems to be an end-state, in communism the cliquish ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ was intended to be just a transitional phase on the way to full communism, when in theory that dictatorship would simply ‘wither away’; it just never in practice did.