
Onion: Obama Home Teleprompter Malfunctions

ausador11/17/2009 6:59:28 pm PST

OT: Sigh…persistent ain’t he?

Obama vows to seek climate action, if not treaty.
In China, he talks of accord with ‘immediate operational effect’

BEIJING - President Barack Obama, with China’s leader at his side, lifted his sights Tuesday for a broad accord at next month’s climate conference that he said will lead to immediate action and “rally the world” toward a solution on global warming.

Obama and President Hu Jintao talked of a joint desire to tackle climate change, but failed to publicly address the root problems that could unravel a deal at the 192-nation conference in Copenhagen: how much each country can contribute to curb greenhouse gases and how the world will pay the billions of dollars needed to fight rising temperatures.