

iceweasel1/28/2010 2:42:16 am PST

Morning folks, for those in the appropriate time zones. Insert salutation of choice if you’re not.

Dunno if this has been talked about yet, but the bugging of Landrieu’s office doesn’t appear to have been about wiretapping:
The Landrieu Phone Case: Not A Bugging After All?

Asked by TPMmuckraker today about the initial “bugging” reports, Attorney Garrison Jordan replied, “the complaint is not about a wiretap.” Jordan represents Robert Flanagan, one of the two men who allegedly donned a phone repairman costume and tried to get access to the phone system in Landrieu’s office.


Meanwhile, the AP has added a new detail to the narrative of what happened Monday. Citing an anonymous law enforcement official, the news service reports “one of the hard hats was rigged with a tiny camera.”

The affidavit alleges that Flanagan and Joseph Basel entered Landrieu’s office wearing hard hats and other gear. O’Keefe allegedly appeared to tape the pair with his cell phone as they interacted with a staffer.

As far as I can tell from various sources, O’Keefe probably wanted to recreate his fake ACORN sting videos: he was videotaping his pals as they pretended to answer phones in the office and say “Landrieu isn’t available”, as part of a new fake expose ‘proving’ that her constituents can’t reach her on the phone.
I hope the little douchebag has the book thrown at him.