
Catholic School Rejects Child Because Parents Are Gay

RogueOne3/09/2010 6:04:35 am PST

re: #140 torrentprime

I agree for the Catholics to use the child this way is unconscionable.

You did mean the school, right? You weren’t criticizing the parents for “making a political statement”? They chose a local school for their child, something as innocent and ordinary as that. To assume it was motivated by politics buys into the frame that gays have kids as props or to change society, not because they love them and want to raise a family.

I’m late to the thread but this issue is a bit of a pet-peeve of mine. Without suggesting the kids parents wanted to try to place the kid in a catholic school out of nefarious reasoning, you still have to ask the question “wtf were they thinking?”. Why would you want to send that child to a school that is going to teach it that his/her parents are going to hell because they love each other?.