
Protests Rock the Middle East and N. Africa

researchok2/03/2011 2:31:32 pm PST

re: #138 Sergey Romanov

When I wanted to use MEMRI clips about Islamist Holocaust denial (or Holocaust praise *shudder*) I googled around and found this:


It’s not the only article about the “We will annihilate the Jews” mistranslation. I still used the clips since the context was quite clear, but when it comes to nuance, I would be a bit wary, to tell the truth.

I am sure there are occasional errors in translations/context. That is to be expected.

Nevertheless, I have yet to see any evidence or charges of deliberate and concerted representations.

Why would they? It isn’t as if there isw a shortage of antisemtic or anti Israel sentiment in the region. As you pointed out (and no doubt know far more than the rest of us), Holocaust denial references could probably fill an encyclopedia.

MEMRI has no need to concoct anything.