
Planned Parenthood Under Attack by Extremist Lila Rose

Scottish Dragon2/07/2011 1:00:38 pm PST

re: #44 bloodstar

Well, the Virginia AG is already promising to investigate Planned Parenthood ( hate linking to Big Government, so sorry about that, feel free to just google “Planned Parenthood Virginia AG”) for their open “willingness to participate in support sex trafficking of minors.”

Smear campaigns become very intimidating and effective when you can have a partisan AG with an agenda and an excuse.

The Virginia AG is a fucking Inquisitor. Torquemada would love this asshole. He is already investigating openly harassing scientists who research AGW, and has banned state schools from protecting GLBT employees. He is busy trying to regulate every abortion services clinic out of existence in the state with requirements many hospitals would be hard pressed to afford.

The only things he is missing is his dungeon and the hot pokers.