
Two-Thirds of the Cuts in Ryan's Budget Come from Low Income Programs

Renaissance_Man4/06/2011 5:34:53 pm PDT

It’s actually kind of hard to believe that here, in the most powerful country in history, with such a huge number of educated people, that a sweeping economic plan that is so obviously, provably, based on total fantasy can not only be presented as fact, but will be uncritically accepted as fact by something approaching 50% of the adult population.

I’m not even sure where the fault lies. Is it the religion of Objectivism? Is it deliberate propaganda on the part of a small group of very wealthy people that stand to gain a lot? Is it massive public ennui? I don’t know. This economic plan won’t happen this year anyway. Nor will it happen next year. And probably not for another five, six years. But it might happen late in the next decade. And by then, Americans may well be so thoroughly indoctrinated that it won’t just be a significant minority that will believe that the failures and ruin brought about by a plan like this will still be the fault of liberals.