
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Stands by Her Fanatical Right Wing 'Pledge'

CuriousLurker7/09/2011 6:02:17 pm PDT

All I can say is I’m thankful for my cats. They don’t care who’s running for office or who gets elected. They don’t care what your religion is, or if you even have one. They don’t care about your race, social status, sexual orientation, education level, or income.

Only a few things matter:

1.) Do you have food & something to drink? Check.

2.) If I love you will you love me back? Check.

Will you always let me sleep on your bed and open the window early every morning so I can watch the birds, the kids, etc? Check.

Okay, we’re good then.

Would that everything in life were so uncomplicated.