
Astounding: FL Lt. Gov. Bashes Science and Evolution, Calls for Christian Theocracy

Olsonist9/23/2011 12:38:16 pm PDT

re: #127 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

No, it doesn’t. A good comparison is Prop 22, which is what gave us Prop 8 in the first place. That won, basically 60/40. Not even a decade later, Prop 8 really just barely passed, 52-48.

Prop 8 barely passed with 52% votes with Obama at the top of the ticket with 61% of the vote. Bringing up Prop 22 (and the Briggs initiative before that) argues against the passage of Prop 8. But it passed. Evidence points at SoCon blacks and Latinos.

But on the face of it, a lot of people voted both for Obama and for Prop 8. Period. You can’t debunk that.