
Herman Cain Suddenly Remembers More Details of Sexual Harassment Complaints

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)11/01/2011 11:20:41 am PDT

Japan lawmaker drinks water from Fukushima plant

A Japanese lawmaker has drunk a glass of water taken from a radioactive puddle inside a reactor building at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant in a bid to prove decontamination efforts are working.

Television footage showed a visibly nervous Yasuhiro Sonoda gulping down water that he said had been decontaminated after being scooped up from inside the plant.

“Just drinking (decontaminated water) doesn’t mean safety has been confirmed, I know that,” Sonoda told reporters. “Presenting data to the public is the best way.”

Sonoda, parliamentary secretary for the cabinet office, said Monday that he drank the water after journalists repeatedly asked him to “prove” the area around the plant was safe.

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