
Mitt Romney Wins New Hampshire Primary

CuriousLurker1/10/2012 6:06:40 pm PST

LOL, been watching #tcot and it’s running the gamut (none of it happy).

Morose sarcasm:

@ThatChristyChic Christy Waters
New Hampshire chooses mayo as their condiment on the #CrapSandwich. #gop #tcot #tpp

We’re supposed to have the freedom to deny other people theirs—this is unfair!!11!

@PeterLaBarbera Peter LaBarbera
#Mitt talks freedom, yet backs #gay rights laws that undermine relig + moral freedom of conscience. Not like Reagan. #tcot #gop #hhrs

ZOMG—there will be centaurs!!11!

@SohlUSA Sanctity of Life
We need #Personhood Amendments to stop Human-Animal Hybrids. It’s a brave new world! #ProLife #tcot

But the pledge, he DIDN’T SIGN THE PLEDGE!!11!

@incognito912 Incognito
@hughhewitt Romney promises a clear and unapologetic defense of free enterprise. #hhrs BUT WILL .@MITROMNEY SIGN A PLEDGE TO AMERICA? #tcot
