
SPLC: Users of 'Stormfront' Web Forum Responsible for Many Deadly Hate Crimes, Mass Killings

Dr Lizardo4/17/2014 3:08:04 pm PDT

re: #140 Killgore Trout

Poor Suffis get the short end of the stick when fundamentalists get going. Shia hate the Sunnis, Sunnis hate the Shia, everybody hates the Suffis.

You’ll find both Sunni and Shi’a Sufis; the problems get started when overly-dogmatic and narrow-minded kooks get on their high horses and start pontificating.

Sufism is still pretty strong in Turkey, actually, as well as in the Turkish diaspora in Europe. The Sufis are also quite good at making converts - many of the Sufis at the Sufi centers I went to in Germany were ethnic German converts - in one of the centers, they were the majority. I know they’re setting up shop in Prague now as well, so we’ll have to see how that goes.