
Podcast o' the Day: The Bob & Chez Show, 1/28/16

BeachDem1/29/2016 2:02:17 pm PST

OK—this is fucked up, but it’s South by dog Carolina, so what else would you expect?

South Carolina Bill Would Create Registry For Police To Track Refugees

Though the bill does not single out refugees from Syria, Mulvaney did when speaking to state senators.

“If you let in the wrong Irishman-I’m fourth generation- if you let in the wrong Irishman the downside is really not that serious, okay,” he said, according the AP. “You let in the wrong Syrian refugee, one, then people can die as a result.”

Why Mulvaney and Duncan felt compelled to add their idiocy to the already overwhelming GOP idiocy in the state leg, I don’t know.