
Saturday Live Jam: Bonnie Raitt, "Gypsy in Me"

calochortus4/23/2016 5:42:10 pm PDT

JimRob has honored the Freepers with his presence again, in a post explaining that they will all support Trump or go elsewhere. Lurking within is this statement:

If you are a NeverTrump type person, you are working against our purposes on FR, so please opus out now and log off and let us carry on with our mission in peace.
Continue insulting us with 24/7 anti-Trump diatribes and insults, your opus will be assumed.

Does “opus out” having a meaning of which I am unaware? Do they get to post a massive wall o’ text on their way out? Is their presence totally erased from the site? Is this just an illiterate way of putting it?