
Wild New Music Video From Elise Trouw: "Man Invisible"

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines8/31/2022 5:20:50 am PDT

I knew Feebay’s new pay out system was the subject of a lot of complaints but I had no idea it is as bad it is. I tried listing some model kits on Ebay for the first time in about 3 years. All 3 of them sold. Buyers paid a total of $91.06. My net from that is $29.50. For real, I only get a third of what was paid for my goods. Part of that (about $18) is legit, for shipping expenses. The rest is a blizzard of Feebay grift, bullshit, and hidden charges: listing charges, advertising charges, extra advertising and promotion charges, etc. On one sale, I ended up owing Feebay $1.47 for the privilege of giving my model kit away, and having to pack and mail it myself.
Oh, by the way, I have to wait a week to get paid my pittance, and that is after they finish “processing” the buyer’s payment, which will take Cthulhu only knows how long.
I don’t see how these assholes will stay in business. They are certainly going to do without mine.