
Natalia Lafourcade: "María la Curandera"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/10/2024 5:55:09 am PDT

re: #143 Nerdy Fish

Wow, that headline is bait. I mostly try to keep out of the discussion of the Israel-Hamas war because it is incredibly charged on both sides, but I am hoping it is beyond dispute at this point that Hamas has a vested interest in maximizing reports of civilian casualties, to the point where they actively try to get civilians killed by fighting from positions that are closely co-located with civilians.

I would word it:

Wow, that headline is bait. I mostly try to keep out of the discussion of the Israel-Hamas war because it is incredibly charged on both sides, but I am hoping it is beyond dispute at this point that Hamas Israel has a vested interest in maximizing reports of civilian casualties, to the point where they actively try to get civilians killed by fighting from positions that are closely co-located with civilians.

Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on Earth.

Regardless of where Hamas (or any) fighters are, an armed force has due care to not target areas known to have civilians. (So-called human shields are civilians.) Overwhelmingly disproportionate targetting of civilian infrastructure is also off-limits.

The same argument could be applied to our own Republicans. Criminal organisations (drug cartels) are causing death and mayhem. The GOP wants to respond with an invasion of Mexico.

I’ve gotta go. Village board meeting is nigh.