
9/11 Suspects Will Be Tried in New York

exelwood11/13/2009 9:51:21 am PST

re: #24 Cato the Elder

What astonishes me is that it’s been eight years and no trials. Obama has been in charge for just under ten months.

So who is to blame that there were no trials for the previous seven years?

It took a liberal administration to actually criminalize terror. Criminalizing terrorism is a winner for the left in that they can completely absolve themselves of the need to actually act on terror because it becomes a “police matter”. The most delicious part is then they can bit*h and moan and shake their heads along with every one else when it goes wrong in the courts. :)

If a bomb went off somewhere in America tomorrow and it was traced back to Iran can you really imagine this administration doing anything beyond puffed up outrage, flurries of committee activity in congress and massive FBI man hunts which would all duly be reported by a breathless MSM?

The way you win wars is to kill people until they stop trying to kill you.