
Thursday Night Music: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

rwdflynavy2/25/2010 7:13:41 pm PST

re: #143 WindUpBird

Where did I call everyone who opposes the plan racist? I merely believe they’re gullible and foolish, and that some of the most vehement opposition are Birchers, racists, tea-partiers, people who oppose Obama for tribalist reasons.

Not everyone. But there are wide swaths of Republican America who o hate the man, and thus will hate every step he takes, every bill he signs, every stroke of his pen.

I hear tort reform a lot. It’s false. it’s not a solution, it’s a bumper sticker talking point. Thing is, lawsuit settlements themselves, even if they were eliminated, are a drop in the bucket. Even if it were illegal to sue at all, it wouldn’t lower your premiums. Could tort reform be part of comprehensive health care reform? Sure! As a solution by itself? it’s dishonest and mindless gibberish pushed by people who are lying or who have no idea what they’re talking about.

Republicans had control of the whole shebang for years, they had all this time to pass something, anything, that would combat the monstrosity HC has become in America. And they didn’t. And that’s the main reason I don’t vote Republican. I’m not a one issue voter, but health care is my largest issue. i work in the field, many many of my friends work in the field, we see what’s happening.

Dude, You’re like the LVQ of Health Care Reform! Except more of a stoner version…