
Hawaii to Birthers: Talk to the Hand

tommylotto4/29/2010 5:01:59 pm PDT

re: #145 Yashmak

We all have seen the COLB posted by the Annenberg people. You are right. It looks legit, probably is legit, and it is prima facie evidence that he was born in Hawaii. However, as I am sure you know, the COLB is an electronic document recently produced from data stored on a computer. It is not the same thing as the original birth certificate that was initially issued to his parents on his birth and does not contain all of the same information. The original document will have additional information. It may list the hospital that he was born in, the doctor that delivered him and other interesting tidbits. Amendments may also reflect information concerning his adoptions, etc.

One does not need to be a racist dirty birther or even question his eligibility to be interested in seeing his original birth certificate and the additional tidbits that might be on it. Obama is the most powerful man on the planet and a major historic figure. Historians now and in the future will always be very interested in the minute details of his background, just like they are interested in the background of all US Presidents.