
Breaking: Keith Olbermann Suspended from MSNBC Indefinitely

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/05/2010 11:51:30 am PDT

Water is so essential to life. If I told you that someone would take away your source of breathable air - and it was truly serious (actually it is in terms of ocean anoxia and SO2 blooms, but that is another issue) but you realized it was not a joke, you would hopefully get upset.

Yet the masses are content to not worry about water so polluted that bugs can’t live in it, that catches fire, and over the scale of whole water tables. When this comes East, millions of people will be affected. BP is one of the major players in this along with Haliburton. Shall we look at their public health and safety records?

I repeat the effects of fracking are - long term: massive increase in methane release, dramatically accelerating AGW. Short term: if you are one of those unlucky millions when this goes bad and unregulated like it is out west, brain lesions, cancers, organ failures (all you guys, out there, due to solvent concentrations and heavy metals in your water supply organ failure means THAT organ fails too!) genetic defect increases and death.

But the GOP will keep the government from protecting you from the evil greed that sees the profit of your sacrifices. That people aren’t screaming about this has me astonished.