
CPAC 2011 Opens with a Full Schedule of Kooks

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/10/2011 11:26:32 am PST

And here is the other side…

That evil evil EPA getting in the way of hard working plutocrats from raping more of the planet and destroying the air water and soil that “little people” need to be ale to live.

POOR POOR plutocrats.

We are seeing the most vile aspects of America.

AGW is real. Even without AGW, if you forget about it a moment, living in a toxic industrial moonscape is not a way to live. This is what these plutocrats want for you and your children. They see it as their God given right to murder you with their waste in the name of unsustainable profit. They are cancerous parasites who are literally working to kill you in the name of a buck.

In addition to it, some scumbag like Newt doesn’t give a damn about that Bible he bangs (just ask his ex wives) and the little GOP bible sheep don’t care, because it will allow them, they hope to impose their twisted and cruel “morality” on people they hate. It is an exercise in depraved cynicism that profanes God.

The GOP are scum. They are murderous, evil scum. I hate them with every fiber of my being. So should you. They are literally trying to kill you and strip you of your rights.