
Newt Gingrich in 2007: Urgent Action Needed to Address Climate Change

lawhawk12/04/2011 4:25:13 pm PST

Maybe I should get away more often. Seems that some fun stuff went down when I went away on vacation. Cain “reassessed”, which is really “I’m toast, but like a nasty virus, I’m going to stick around and cause additional malaise”.

Trump, another wannabe politician, but who is more PT Barnum than Presidential debate moderator material, is still sticking around despite the fact he has no business anywhere near what the GOP is still calling a debate.

Gingrich is still around and benefiting from the ABR - anyone but Romney.

So, until Gingrich says/does something else really stupid, he’ll pick up where all the other pretenders left off - right before they all spectacularly flamed out.

Oh, and the vacation? A week in CA/NV seeing Death Valley, Manzanar, Mojave Natural Preserve, Red Rocks, Sequoia and Kings Canyon NP does wonders for rejuvenating the mind and spirit. Nearly 2,000 miles driven, including a 200 mile offroad expedition to Racetrack Playa in Death Valley, about 1,500 pictures (a few good ones in there), and chowed down on some good grub.

Next trip? Already thinking about that too. Something about Yosemite is screaming my name.