
New Right Wing Fast and Furious Talking Point: Liberals Are Heartless Monsters

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)6/30/2012 8:49:38 pm PDT

re: #146 Dark_Falcon

The ATF, as has been noted, advised dealers skeptical about a number of guns sales to let the sales through (merchants may refuse to sell someone a gun, so long as that refusal is not based on the prospective buyer’s race, religion, country of origin, sexual orientation…). That was clearly a mistake and it was a mistake made several times.

Has this been proven to be true?

Moreover, the ATF kept the watching things go through without sounding the alarm for months after it had become clear their plan to bust straw buyers was not working. They did not go to a Plan B, but instead rode Plan A down in flames.

Watching was Plan B. Getting prosecutors to go after straw buyers was Plan A, but because the straw sale laws are basically toothless, that wasn’t possible. So you mean they should have gone to plan C.

What was plan C?

What do you think about the lax gun control laws that allow these sales? Shouldn’t we be focusing on how to make those stronger, rather than trying to pin the blame on a scapegoat?