
In National Review, Mark Steyn Pushes Stupid 'Obama Flag' Fake Outrage

A Mom Anon9/22/2012 3:06:16 pm PDT

Oh Sigh. I am surrounded by wingnuts….
Now my nitwit sister is posting a bunch of crap on her Facebook page about firing Obama because we don’t need no stinking president,”we can build it”without help and he’s fired.
She’s got MS,she’s one of those 47 percent who is on SS disability. She gets free healthcare because of her teeny income via the government. She thinks Ann Romney is a champion for those with MS(hell,maybe that part’s true,I don’t know). I think most of this is because of the parental units honestly,if she’d bother to read and think she’d probably realize this is crap.
I am a teeny little dot of blue in a red state…
Send help….lol,sort of….