
Stephen Colbert Celebrates the Shutdown's One-Week Anniversary

You_Stole_Fizzy-Lifting_Drinks10/08/2013 2:16:11 pm PDT

re: #143 erik_t

You trust Boehner to hold back his caucus? He can’t control them now. What if Obama ends up taking action that is actually factually obviously illegal?

How is it illegal? The executive is charged with spending money that Congress has already appropriated, and if he doesn’t, he’s acting unconstitutionally. It is Congress’s job to provide the funds, and because of the Anti-Impoundment act, he is legally required to spend every single penny. So, if the debt limit is reached, he is required to service the debt and spend any money that is part of any mandatory appropriations that are passed by Congress. The conflict comes in with his mandate to spend that money, and the debt ceiling, which is clearly unconstitutional.