
Shameless Inversion of Reality, NRO-Style

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing6/04/2014 6:50:10 pm PDT

re: #145 palomino

It’s Texas. Every year in the last two decades has been a good year for Republicans there. The only Dems who now win are those running at the local level (in big cities which have some progressives, and along the heavily Hispanic border). No Dems have won statewide office in over a decade.

Texas overall is still one of the reddest states in the country. Indeed, Texas is what keeps your party afloat. It’s by far the biggest red state; without it, the gop would be totally fucked.

The oddest thing is that Texas used to be a yellow dog democratic state. I covered an area where the GOP didn’t even have an office, bother to run candidates in the 90s.