
Chuck C. Johnson Attacks Dana Loesch: All Sane People Win

lawhawk1/25/2015 5:45:41 am PST

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. Yesterday’s snow was the appetizer for the main course coming Monday into Tuesday. They’re now forecasting a foot or more of snow, particularly from Northern NJ east into NYC, Long Island, Connecticut and up into New England. Woo.

I’d rather shovel snow than trying to unwind the steaming piles of derp dumped by Chuckles, Loesch, and their various backers.

The only thing Loesch has going for her is that she calls out Chuckles for being a derptastic fabulist. And she’s not far behind on that account either. So, it’s really that Loesch isn’t Chuckles.

Both truly deserve each other.

Both lie, obfuscate, and in Chuckles’ case, he threatens lawsuits at every opportunity even though he’s got no concept of the legal system, and frankly doesn’t have any money to do anything he say he wants to do. So, he grifts. All the time.

And while I can’t stand the fact that so much time is spent debunking his derp, it’s got to be done because he’s poisoning the Twitterverse and his stories get picked up by other outlets, even though they’re flimsy and unsourced (he’s got unnamed sources everywhere, which is to say nowhere except the voices in his head).