
Dylann Roof's Roommate Says He Was "Planning Something Like That for Six Months"

Scottish Dragon6/18/2015 8:38:24 pm PDT

Some of the pre approved insane commentover at Deher’s blog on the shooting:

M_Young says:

June 18, 2015 at 7:59 pm

So who among the cop-critical anti-racists here is going to ‘take responsibility’ for the killing of white cop Brian Moore? Of course, his apparently random shooting had nothing to do with a year or so of anti-cop, particularly anti-white cop, rhetoric.

Panda, ES, Jesse, Cermak_rd…anyone? After all, Demetrius Blackwell just did what you all “fantasize about”, right?

DeepSouthPopulist says:

June 18, 2015 at 12:50 pm

Well clearly the crime is beyond heinous. This is another sad day in America. If the facts are what they appear to be, I believe the death penalty should be applied if SC has it.

It’s also pathetic but predictable that anti-second amendment liberals are wasting no time trying to capitalize on the tragedy for political gain. And as horrifically tragic as the murder of 9 innocents is, and it is, those who bring race into into this analysis ought to keep some perspective. In any complete, non-cherry-picked analysis of personal crimes, the data shows that whites are murdered, raped and attacked by blacks far, far more often than the reverse.

M_Young says:

June 18, 2015 at 1:42 pm

[NFR: That didn’t take long, turning this horrible crime into fodder to attack others on this blog before they’ve said a thing. — RD]

“And of course, I’m sure the resident white supremacists in this combox will disclaim any responsibility for this atrocity “

The short answer is that I don’t see ES or any of the other ‘anti-racists’ here taking responsibility, however slight, for things like the Hartford Beer Distributor shooting.

Nor do those that bandy the term Islamophobia claim responsibility for things like the Fort Hood shooting, nor do those who advocate loose asylum policies or effective open borders take responsibility for the Boston Marathon bombing or the death of Bob “Christmas Story” Clark at the hands of a drunk driver, already been through the ‘justice system’ and should have been deported illegal alien. No one here has manned up and taken their lumps for the recent police shootings in New York and Michigan despite the many that have used quite heated anti-police rhetoric (including ‘real’ columnists at this site). I’m sure Scott McConnell is pretty upset when a Palestinian [terrorist|freedom fighter] blows up a group of Israeli citizens, but that doesn’t detract from the rightness (or wrongness) of his cause.

Well, that was going to be a short answer, but material just kept occurring to me. A more nuanced but tl;dr comment will follow.

M_Young says:

June 18, 2015 at 1:57 pm

And here’s the longer post

[NFR: That didn’t take long, turning this horrible crime into fodder to attack others on this blog before they’ve said a thing. — RD]

Not surprising. And Selvar is right in a way, ideas do have consequences. For those of us who believe in white rights we will no matter what be blamed, by forces far more powerful than a blog commenter, for this crime. If I feel guilt, the majority of it comes from feeling bad for what this will do to a completely legitimate movement (as legitimate as any other ethnic movement) to promote white interests in the US (or a successor state).

I should be sympathetic to the victims and families, and am as far as it is possible to be sympathetic to people you don’t know and have never met. Still, it is natural, if not exactly noble, to worry about how events affect your own life and interests, and this will be a setback.

Yeah…there was more to that post.