
Sunday Jam: Bill Laurance, "Money in the Desert"

The Madness of King Orange (aka Sophist)4/10/2016 10:03:16 pm PDT

re: #139 CuriousLurker

I’ve (recently) heard people hear use the term “stroke out” and he/she/they are going to “have an aneurysm”. As someone who lost a beloved grandfather to multiple strokes, and as someone survived a ruptured brain aneurysm three years ago this month, I don’t find either one of those phrases funny, but neither do I feel the need to berate people who use or upding them. I can find plenty of stuff to be offended over based on events that have happened in my life, but I’d rather not. It takes too much of an emotional toll. YMMV.

Now I’m done discussing this and am out of here for real this time.


People use heart attacks in metaphors for shock or overreaction all the time, despite the fact that heart disease kills a shit ton of people.

Death and the way our bodies betray us is a central aspect of human life, and therefore of human culture. Deal.