
Chris Thile With an All-Star Cast of Singers and Players: "Comey's Waltz"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/15/2017 3:25:04 am PDT

There are two alternatives for clicking E-mail links to avoid downloading the malware:

a) Hover over the link to ensure it goes where it says it does. For example, Quick Thinking Child Saves Cat from Drowning (goes to the Huffington Post) is actually a Rickroll.

b) Spend an extra two seconds and type “Quick Thinking Child Saves Cat from Drowning” into a search engine such as Google or Dogpile. If the article actually exists, it will pop up.

The malware starts when you restart your computer. Anti-virus companies are working on scrubbing the malware. Don’t shut off your computer until you’ve had the chance to run a complete scan of your computer.