
The Bob Cesca Interview: Comedian Steve Marmel

Joe Bacon ✅2/28/2024 10:49:02 pm PST

re: #146 silverdolphin

The liberal three need to stand up and uphold their oath to protect the Constitution and the United States from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. They need to use everything they can to bring this corruption out in the open. They need to understand the institution of the Court is no lnger something to protect of the corrupt 6 get their way.


It’s 3 against 6. They can write their dissents in acid and it won’t mean a thing thanks to Moscow Mitch, Leonard Leo and The Talking Asshole packing the court.

Thanks to Boris Manchin and Natasha Sinema refusing to kill the filibuster Republicans killed the John Lewis Voting Rights Act which would have ended gerrymandering and voter suppression.

If Joe wins we know Trump will double down on what he did in 2020 and he’ll call for his thugs to redo 1/6. And if the GOP keeps the House and gets the Senate they will be emboldened to go all in to put Trump back in the Oval Office.

And yes as a Jew I am very very scared of what the radical Xtians will do when Trump gives them carte blanche to force their garbage on the rest of us.