
Army War College: Hamas Isn't So Bad?

rexatosis1/14/2009 10:46:48 am PST

Unfortunately too many in Academia believe one can understand military conflict solely from an economic/social viewpoint, one that is usually just warmed over Lenin/Marxist drivel of the “tyranny of imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism.” This is bad enought when such drivel is limited to Liberal Arts programs. (I actually had a discussion with a Brown student who was trying to explain to me why the Bush Administration’s Iraq policies were militarily faulty while admitting he had never studied any military campaign—not the American Rev. nor Civil War, yet alone WWI or WWII) To have such idiocy infect the Army War College may eventually prove to be fatal. Unbelievable.

Briefly a second point. If MindyManners #23 post of Prof. Zuhur’s academic credentials is correct, BA, MA, Ph.D all from UCLA, Prof. Zuhur suffers from “Academic Inbreeding.” This is usually seen as a major negative in the hiring process (or so it was drilled into me as a graduate student, and reinforced every reaccreditation cycle), so why the hell did the Army War College hire her? To be PC? Just asking the obvious.