
Got a Big Hamas Fish

lawhawk1/15/2009 11:45:13 am PST

About that UN building Israel hit:

U.N. headquarters hit

Israeli troops shelled the U.N. headquarters in Gaza after coming under fire from Palestinian militants, a senior Israeli military officer said on Thursday.

The artillery attack set the compound on fire, destroyed tons of food and humanitarian supplies, reportedly injured three people and forced hundreds of refugees to flee.

Israel says it does not target U.N. buildings or personnel. But the Israeli officer said troops opened fire after militants inside the compound shot anti-tank weapons and machine guns. He said the troops used 155 mm artillery shells. Throughout its 20-day offensive in Gaza, Israel has accused Hamas militants of hiding in civilian areas to stage attacks.

The officer spoke on condition of anonymity pending a formal announcement expected later Thursday.

U.N. secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, who is in the region to press Israel, and Gulf leaders gathered to discuss the conflict, expressed “outrage” over the bombing.

Where was the outrage over Hamas using UN facilities to target Israel? Where was the UN to block Hamas terrorists from infiltrating the UNRWA? Outrage?

You want outrage?

I’ll give you outrage:
Hamas has been assisted time and time again by UNRWA and UN largesse and condoning of Hamas activities. Hamas openly indoctrinates terrorists in UNRWA facilities, using schools to fire rockets at Israel and you have the temerity to feign outrage because Israel hit one of your precious buildings? Seriously? That any aid is getting to Gaza is the result of Israel doing more humanitarian relief than the Gazans care to do for themselves. The UN has done nothing to end the years of terrorist attacks and war crimes by Palestinians against Israel. That’s right - war crimes. Purposefully attacking Israeli civilians is a war crime. Do you think we’d forget or not notice the thousands of kassams fired - each with an intent to murder and maim Israelis?

Where was your outrage then?

The UN has outlived its usefulness in Gaza, and it is part of the problem there, not the solution. By playing moral equivalents, the UN aids and abets a terrorist group while undermining the sovereign rights of a member nation. No other nation would ever tolerate such an affront, and yet it’s expected when Israel is involved.

You want to see the situation in Gaza improve? Kick the UN out altogether. UNRWA, UNDP, the whole bunch.
