
France Loves Creationism (Because It Makes Americans Look Stupid)

VioletTiger2/12/2009 7:03:53 pm PST

re: #59 Killgore Trout

Time to bust out this chart again….
Public Acceptance of Evolution
#4 France
#49 USA

Holy crap. That’s just sad. I still find this so hard to believe.

The Page family, visitors of the museum, had theories of their own. Kelly Page, the father, claims that dinosaurs never went extinct. “Humans used to live 900 years, so reptiles actually never stopped growing. Dinosaurs are just big lizards. Now the lizards don’t live as long, so they don’t get as big.”

This is too stupid for words. Dinosaurs are now known to be warm-blooded and not lizards at all. These people couldn’t find their ass with two hands and a flashlight.