
Big Brother Amazon? Not Really

Walter L. Newton7/20/2009 2:55:50 pm PDT

re: #102 jackflash

This points out the absurdity of our copyright laws. Why is 1984, published in 1948, still under copyright?? 61 years is an outrageous amout of time to allow any work to be under monopoly ownership. I understand all those arguments saying that we need such laws to encourage creativity and innovation, and I agree. But eighteen years?? (I forget the difference in length of coverage between copyrights and patents - maybe copyrights are less than 18, but not much.)

Certainly 5 years is more than enough to get any author some monopoly profits to reward his labor and genius. Patents are similarly out of control. This system needs to be reconsidered, in my opinion.


Are you crazy? You create something, all your own, and after, or let’s say, 18 years, you want ANYONE to be able to make money off of your creation, to the point that you can’t even share in a meaningful amount of the profits of your work?

In that case, do something creative and let me know what it is. I’m going to have my heirs all over your estate in 18 years. Whoopee!