
Evolutionary Adaptations Forced by Climate Change

SixDegrees8/14/2009 4:07:11 pm PDT

re: #142 itellu3times

One can argue the point.

You do note that I suggest there may have been no change to the genome at all, just a change in its expression due to environmental triggers.

And it hardly gets interesting until it’s gone far enough to create a new species, defined as no longer able to breed with the original (esp if the original dies out!). Even most creationists grant minor variations.

New species are certainly one result of evolution. But they are not it’s only product. The accepted definition is simply that of a change in a population’s genetic makeup - there’s no distinction made between large changes (the addition or subtraction of genetic information) and small changes, such as as a simple shift in frequency of certain genetic elements. It’s all evolution.