
New Oklahoma Abortion Bill Challenged

cenotaphium10/08/2009 4:52:28 pm PDT

re: #112 tradewind

I understand your point, but using a logical fallacy to make it isn’t helpful.
That’s the equivalent of saying that because people die a natural death every day, there’s not a problem with shooting someone.
(Please note that I am not comparing abortion to shooting anyone… it’s just an illustration re the reasoning there).

Hrm.. You are right, of course. I think it’s hard to make a really honest analogy since abortions are not made for one distinct reason.
I reacted primarily to the original phrasing “every abortion at every point in the pregnancy ends the life of a genetically-distinct human being”, which is simply not true. Abortions are also the removal of already dead fetuses, which alone disproves the “every abortion” premise.

The included “don’t have to come at this from a religious standpoint” seemed very dishonest, both because of the latter addition, and that it seems to equate biological cells with sentience.

I’ll try to be more accurate in the future.