
Tuesday Afternoon Music: Antoine Dufour and Tommy Gauthier, 'Solitude'

ausador11/17/2009 11:51:29 pm PST

re: #147 Capitalist Tool

Ok , I just reread my last paragraph and it is rather conspiratorial… don’t you just love a good conspiracy theory?
let me get Whitley Strieber on the phone…

See my post #122 for links, this has been tried by more than one group, the iron filings thing has been used in the field to test it, no one stopped them. In fact several governments backed their efforts, Planktos was stopped because they wanted to do it right next to the Galapagos islands and over the sensitive reefs there. Anyway it has been tried and the results were disappointing in actual trials, it is not the panacea some claim it to be.