
Professor Newt's Distorted History Lesson

tweav8/07/2010 1:48:16 pm PDT

Three Things
1. Cordoba represents not only the high water mark of Muslim conquest it is actually the high water mark of Muslim culture too..See “Ornament of the World”. This book points out the biggest enemy of the Muslim culture is the reactionary, primitive, and warlike nature of it’s periodic fundamentalist “reformations”
2. Birthers are ignorant fools. The definition of “natural born American” was change by law in the 60’s to anyone born in the US or anyone born of one or more American citizens anywhere in the world.
I know as I was born of American parents in Japan and was not able to be President until the Law was changed.
3. You must keep your eye on what’s important… as a somewhat bi, agnostic I to am disgusted by the Christian right’s hold on the GOP. But we need to clean house or none of the freedoms we cherish will exist, The trend in the Demo’s and the GOP have been to increase the power and reach of the Federal government into ALL areas of our lives. I find the bedroom less important than my health and wealth. ( I am now 60 )
vote for the new guy for the next 4 elections. when all the old club is gone we may have a chance. Don’t re-elect anyone.