
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

prairiefire11/09/2010 4:13:30 pm PST

re: #132 Jeff In Ohio

Saute or deep fry?

My kid thinks soda is a rare treat and most processed foods are disgusting. I have almost finished her nutritional mind control. She actually believes a meal should have a fruit, grain and protein or it’s not a meal, but a snack. Bwahahahah, fuck you McDs.

I admit to feeding them a small amount of crap. Mostly, I cook from scratch. I make them eat Sweet Potatoes about 4x a week. I’m sure they will never eat another sweet potato when they leave my house.
“I’m not buying that, it is full of crap!” is my most of the time motto.
I think it is harder for parents that work a lot.