
Terror Attack in Jerusalem

SanFranciscoZionist3/23/2011 12:06:08 pm PDT

re: #135 Darlington

Well, marjoriemoon posted that with a link relating to Hamas - but now she’s also posted that she thinks that all Muslims living in the territories are guilty of supporting/enabling terror.

I’d like to add something here. Marjorie is talking about sympathy. She’s out of it. I’m damn close.

Does this mean that we don’t understand that not all Palestinians have the moral standing of Hamas? No, it doesn’t. We get that. But as an American Jew, I have to tell you, I’m exhausted. This goes on, with no hope in sight, the number of the dead that I carry around in my soul goes up, and every time another horror like this bus bombing, like Itamar, like the dozens and hundreds that came before it, long before the State of Israel even existed, then a good chunk of the world promptly screams that Israel had it coming, that any response is disproportionate, and I am once again asked to be the bigger person, and understand the humanity of a society that denies mine.

I’m tired. Damn tired. And I don’t even live in Israel. Consider this.