
Rep. Todd Akin (R-12th Century): "I Misspoke"

calochortus8/19/2012 5:39:55 pm PDT

re: #130 jvic


This is the second time recently I’ve posted something on which I thought people of good will should find common ground, only to be jumped on or sneered at (“Pray tell”) for what is not common ground, while the area of potential constructive engagement was ignored.

2. re: #67 wrenchwench

As I indicated, I don’t consider myself knowledgeable enough to espouse a position. If I wanted to pursue the topic, I would ask if you can give an example of a situation in which abortion should be forbidden. (wrenchwench, I consider you hard-nosed but fair-minded, but see my #1.)

(Bolding mine)

If this is something you didn’t want to pursue, why bring it up?