
Live Video: 2012 Dem Convention Day 2, Thread 2

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines9/05/2012 7:11:17 pm PDT

re: #112 The Ghost of a Flea


Breitbart is “fact checking” Michelle Obama’s speech. Dim Hoft is “fact checking” in a piece subtitled “Obama Had More to Do With 2008 Economic Meltdown Than Bush Ever Did.”

WTF? Maybe Dim should try blaming Obama for Pearl Harbor too. It would make about as much sense. Oh, wait, my evil wingnut twin has found a way:
Like all liberal Democrats, Obama cites Franklin Delano Roosevelt as a role model and inspiration. This is the same FDR, liberal and tool of bankers, who provoked the Japanese by cutting off the scrap iron and oil they needed for their police action in China and who then denied our forces the intelligence they needed to prepare for attack. These machinations appealed to liberal cultists then, and they echo down the years, music to the ears of present day liberals like Obama. What future Pearl Harbors can our present generation of white people patriots expect from this scheming black guy usurper?