
Judson Phillips (Tea Party Nation): Jan Brewer's Veto Imposed Mandatory Giant Penis Cakes

Backwoods Sleuth2/27/2014 3:56:36 pm PST

O/T for some serious stuff.
As most of you know, MrBWS is a lineman. It’s a job that pays very well (if you’re union) but it’s very dangerous.
This week has been exceptionally dangerous.
Monday in Bloomington, Ind., there was an equipment failure where the controls on the bucket truck suddenly went haywire and the bucket hit a live 19.9 high wire. The two guys in the bucket were seriously injured by both electricity and the flash (one is in an induced coma due to burnt esophagus and lungs, in addition to burns over 30% of his body). My husband works with both of them.
On Tuesday, a lineman in Pekin, Ill., was electrocuted while replacing a pole in a backyard.
This afternoon, a Duke Energy lineman was killed and another seriously injured in Mason, Ohio, when the pole they were on snapped at the base while they were replacing lines.

This is what I worry about every single day.
And this is why I appreciate the off-topic silliness, bad jokes/puns, cat pictures, silly memes, etc. here, because life is fragile but we still need to laugh and snark and live.

OK, carry on again with penis cakes…