
Sunday Morning Open Thread

Reality Based Steve3/02/2014 1:40:51 pm PST

re: #72 Political Atheist

BTW for those who do small figures and those who do or enjoy jewelry I got to meet and interview a guy who does both. Paged. Including an image of the whole gold chess set.

[Embedded image]

[Embedded image]

Wow… Just freaking WOW! I can’t even imagine doing stuff like that in my dreams. That person is what “ART” is, and that’s why I always just refer to my skills as “craftsman”.

Looks like we are in for a HARD icing tonight, up to an inch expected, along with snow. We’ve dodged everything else this year in terms of precip, so I guess it’s our time to carry the load.

On a plus side, the company I’m with has finished it’s move into the new location, and since they had ‘overbooked’ the classroom space available, I’m going to be teaching from home this week. (All of my students are from places other than Nashville, so they would be taking the class remote anyhow). Got a nice 36 inch white umbrella with a 300 watt equiv CFL sitting behind it so I’ll have good soft light on me. (Lord knows I need all the help I can get.)