
The Bob & Chez Show: The Second Debate

nickzi10/11/2016 5:16:05 pm PDT

According to one anonymous source quoted by The Hill, Bannon frequently referred to Ryan as “the enemy” on conference calls.

Bannon also said in a December 2015 email exchange that he wanted Ryan “gone by spring,” presumably referring to the speaker’s Republican primary challenge, which he won handily. He was responding to a proposal from Breitbart’s Washington editor, Matthew Boyle, that the publication reach out to Ryan for comment on an article about mental health, an issue Ryan was pushing in Congress.

Former Breitbart staffer Ben Shapiro told The Hill that Bannon “has always wanted to burn everything down,” adding, “any chance he has to wriggle this into a way to destroy Paul Ryan, he’ll absolutely do it.”

“Bannon has Alex Jones-level paranoia about Paul Ryan,” one anonymous source told The Hill. “He thinks Paul Ryan is part of a conspiracy with George Soros and Paul Singer, in which elitists want to bring one world government.”

I imagine this is going to be explained by Ben The Blade Carson as the sort of genial lockerroom banter that America needs more of.